Saturday, March 5, 2011


The entryway to my room.

The Balinese begin their New Year's Day with Nyepi. A truly Balinese day. This day is spent in complete silence, alone and in your room. You are asked to create no fire- meaning no cooking and electricity, and no inward fire such as angry or strong emotions. It is a day for inward reflection and rest.

Of course, pratical as ever, the Balinese make exceptions for eating for children or lights for babies, but if possible, you are asked to be still and quiet. And Putu and her family, certaintly was. Her three little boys (ages 6-11) were silent as ever! And all the city was too. No stores are open, no cars or motorbikes on the street and no street lights!

I spent the day in my room- sleeping, meditating, doing light yoga, drinking water and juice, napping, reading and journaling. It was a blissful day! At night, I have never experienced such darkness! No electricity whatsoever. Even though, I basically laid around all day, I slept so well!

And when I could speak today, I really felt ready for a new year. Everyone seems refreshed and happy. It's truly great. I love Nyepi.

My bed.

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