Monday, February 28, 2011

Festival with Jimat

A week and a half ago (I know I do not get to internet fast enough, sorry!) Jimat took Galu (a Javanese dancer) and myself to see him perform at a ceremony. We packed into his old jeep and battled the huge rainstorm on our way to a village near Ubud. First, we arrived at Santu's house. Santu is a young philosophical man who has been studying dance with Jimat since age five. It is his temple that Jimat and him will perform some Topeng masks dances this night.
Santu kindly greeted us with umbrellas, tea and cookies as we stalled at his house. The ceremony was of course starting late. It is half past eight when we arrive at the temple, carrying our baskets of masks and costumes to the stage. We are given tea and snacks (always there is some kind of snack given at ceremonies - usually rice with sugar, banana, coconut something..."don't ask, just makan/eat!" I am told). Then we prayed and watched the perfomance.
Really, the highlight of the evening, was the after-party - dinner with Santu's whole family. His wife prepared rice with chicken, tempeh, nuts and samblah (hot chili sauce- soo good!). We washed our hands and served ourselves rice and sides and ate with hands. To serve chicken was a huge deal for Santu and he insisted I have some, so I agreed. Must admit though that the vegetarian in me really no longer has any taste for chicken, but the offering I loved. The whole family sat patiently ensuring I had a huge plate to eat before they touched a piece of food themselves, generosity might be an understatement. I devoured the whole offering with my right hand, bit by bit, lick by lick.
Santu hopes to travel to the west to teach Philosophy. He is very passionate about the Balinese version of Hinduism. To him, this religion is broken down into two parts- meditation for yourself and dances and ceremonies for how you relate to others and celebrate life. His faith, according to him, can be summoned up into the phrase, "letting go." His whole family was quite curious about me and America, yoga and spirituality in the West. I left his gracious family feeling restored and comforted. Jimat kindly drove me home to Purnati (was still there at the time) well past midnight to rest before dance class with him the next morning! Great night! -a

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